# Stomach Cancer
**Stomach cancer** is a [[cancer]] of the [[stomach]]. The most common type is adenocarcinoma. It is difficult to detect in the early stages and has poor survival rates.
## Risk Factors
- Age
- Diet
- smoked foods
- salted/pickled foods
- low amout of fruit/vegies
- [[smoking]]
- chronic inflammation
- [[peptic ulcer disease|H. pylori]]
## Diagnostic Tests
- abdominal ultrasound/CT with contrast
- [[endoscopy|EGD]] with biopsy
- something called **carcinoembryonic antigen**, or CEA
## Treatement
Chemo and radiation can be used to treat stomach cancer, and there are also a number of surgeries that can be used to treat stomach cancer, depending on the location of the cancer. These surgeries are also sometimes used as a from of [[obesity|bariactric surgery]].
Billroth I and II remove some portion of the stomach and attach it directly to the small intestine.
![[stomach cancer surgeries.png]]
A **total gastrectomy** or an **esophagojejunostomy** can also be performed in extreme cases. These patients are at a great risk of malnutrition, especially [[anemia|pernicious anemia]], as the stomach produces [[gastric gland|intrinsic factor]], which allows for the absorbtion of [[vitamin B|vitamin B12]]. There is also something called "dumping syndrome".
## Nursing Considerations
Gastric surgery is a risk for [[peritonitis]]. May also see the following post-op:
- pain
- dyspepsia
- early satiety
- nausea/vomiting
- weight loss
- bloating after meals
- fatigue